the strongest link

A square quilt is held up by an obscured person. The quilt has a grey background and features pale purple and bright yellow-green strips which interlock and go over and under one another. A large X shape is formed in the middle.
A close up photo of a quilt.  Angular grey stitching is shown atop fabrics in grey, pale purple, and bright yellow-green.

the strongest link

"X" can represent the number 10, it can represent crossing something out, or - when the form is created by two lines linking - it can represent the strength achieved through a combination of tension, balance, and equal effort & contribution. All of these factors are crucial to create the strongest link. In this work, each of the edge "attempts" at a link fails: one color completely overrides the other; the colors don't get close enough to hold on to each other securely; or the colors contribute unequally to the link, causing unbalanced tension. In the center, however, they've finally gotten it right. I purposefully chose these ideologically neutral colors to allow the viewer to first see the mechanics of the idea, and then extrapolate metaphorically to human relationships as they wish.

This quilt was designed & sewn in response to the Modern Quilt Guild’s Modern X Challenge.

Completed October 2022, 41” x 41”

Selected to hang at:

QuiltFest Greenville, SC 2023

UnCon: a Show of QuiltCon Rejects, Crawlspace Press, Raleigh 2024

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Spoonflower Fabrics